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Future Programme of Events:

The following events are happening locally, some of which the UEC will be attending with the stall, others are presented for information.

Sunday 26th May 2024 - Northern National Restoration Group open day at their base at Philladephia.

Sunday 16th June 2024 - Please note that the NEBPT event in Durham has unfortunately been CANCELLED.

Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June 2024 - Beamish Museum public transport weekend.

Saturday 20th July - ADBPS open day at their Newton Aycliffe premises.

Saturday 17th August - ADBPS running day in Newton Aycliffe.

Monday 26th August - NEBPT Seaburn historic vehicle display at Seaburn Rec.

Sunday 27th October - Northern National Restoration Group open day at their base at Philladephia.

Saturday 7th December - ADBPS open day at their Newton Aycliffe premises.

Our friends at The Teesside 500 Group will be attending some of these events (and more!) and UEC members and friends are invited to attend. For further details visit their website or Facebook page.